
You've been FRIEND ZONED!
Stop being a "loser" and tell her this story:
A guy and a girl were having a conversation-
Guy: I love you!
Girl: I love you too but only as a friend, I've never thought of you in terms of a relationship. You are my best friend.
Guy: Thanks for the clarification, I think I should be leaving now as I can`t change my feelings for you.
Girl: What's wrong with you? Don't think over it too much. Nothing has changed.
Guy: Yeah, maybe! You know why my friend resigned from his job despite getting a good promotion.
Girl: That's strange..But why did he quit?
Guy: Actually, he didn't like the terms of the promotion.
Girl: What terms?
Guy: His boss offered him a great position, more responsibilities but the same salary without any increment.
Girl: Oh! He would have been stupid to have worked harder without any incentive. He did the right thing.
Guy: Exactly! Hope you get the point Goodbye and have a great life!
Stop being a wiener. Exit like a boss


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