In this place while searching for some perfect people I actually found myself stupid but wise enough to learn that, there is no such thing called 'perfection', especially if that's the only thing you're tryin' to look for in people.
Today, I don't know a Perfect Person but flawed people worth Loving.
I haven't met a person yet who has got a record of not making a single mistake but forgiving them made them so much dearer.
I hardly know any person not lying for any cause but understanding the reasons behind made them so innocent.
I still have some people in my life who did no good but they haven't done anything bad either to be judged wrong.
It's all about how we perceive.!
It's just that we fail to look at the things as they are and allow our consciousness to corrupt.
Life is beautiful with so wonderful people around. Lets stop looking for that perfect person, n try to be one.!
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